In a sharp contrast to the last eight years, President Barack Obama announced today that a major focus for his administration will be to help our Middle Class. Along with Vice President Joe Biden they announced the formation of the Middle Class Task Force. This is no doubt a huge step in the right direction. It is great to finally see common sense in Washington again...
You can learn more about the project at this website.
A collection of every weekly address from President Barack Obama along with photos and commentary.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
President Obama Weekly Address 1-31-09
In this weeks Presidential Address Barack Obama continues to push the The American Recovery And Re-Investment Plan which has past the House and is on its way for vote in the Senate. This comes as America's GDP drop more than it has in over 20 years. This is a serious time in America and it call for swift, and decisive actions. Let's hope that President Obama plan has the right stuff...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
President Obama's Weekly Address 1-24-09
President Barack Obama continues his somber message about the state of the American economy and introduces the American Recovery and Re-investment Program. This program will include building new electricity grid, investing in solar and wind, computerized medical records, making government buildings more energy efficent, modernizing schools, repairing roadways and expanding broadband. The best part of this plan is that you as an American will be able to see how money is spent in all of these programs at
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Obama Already Making Waves

There is nothing like hitting the ground running...

Obama Tags
Barack Obama,
Climate Change,
George W. Bush,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day 2009
A day that some of us have been waiting for eight long years finally came as President Barack Obama took the oath of office in front of a crowd of almost 2 million people gathered in Washington D. C. This video below shows President Obama being sworn in along with his Inauguration speech...
Obama Tags
Barack Obama,
Washington D. C.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Barack Obama Speech At Lincoln Memorial
In front of a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people President Elect Barack Obama gave a moving speech about our country and what it means to be an American. This country is in pretty rough shape, but if we can have a President that will unify this country I have no doubt that we can turn this ship around.
Have something to say about President Elect Barack Obama's speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial? Leave your comments below...
Have something to say about President Elect Barack Obama's speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial? Leave your comments below...
Obama Tags
Abraham Lincoln,
American People,
Barack Obama,
Lincoln Memorial
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Barack Obama's Train Speech Philadelphia
This is an exiting time here in America as President Elect Barack Obama is making his way to Washington, D. C. His train is following the same historic route as President Abraham Lincoln. President Obama tells the story of our founding fathers and the early history of this great country. Let us hope that we can return to our former glory...
Obama Tags
Abraham Lincoln,
Barack Obama,
Obama Express,
Barack Obama Speech In Wilmington Delaware
This is President Elect Barack Obama's speech from just today when the Obama Express stopped in Wilmington Delaware to pick up Vice President Election Joe Biden...
Obama Tags
Barack Obama,
Obama Express,
Barack Obama's Final Weekly Address Before Inauguration 1/17/09
President Barack Obama talks about the history of this great nation and just how unique our peaceful election process is. We should be proud of our nation and what we have accomplished this and past elections. January 20, 2009 will truly be a day that will forever be remembered as the day that American finally changed for the better...
Obama Tags
Barack Obama,
Weekly Address,
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Barack Obama Weekly Address 1/10/09
This week President Elect Barack Obama continues to concentrate on the economic crisis and outlines how he plans on creating jobs for Americans...
What do you think about what Mr. Obama had to say? Can his plan work?
What do you think about what Mr. Obama had to say? Can his plan work?
Obama Tags
Alternative Energy,
Barack Obama,
Weekly Address,
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Barack Obama's Youtube Address 1/3/09
As we hit a new year most of us average American's are wondering what the next year will bring. Will it be as bad or worse then 2008... What will the stock market do? Is my job safe? We need a plan and we need it now, hopefully Barack Obama can lead us back into a prosperous economy, but I think it will take some time... Here is his latest address from January 3, 2009.
Obama Tags
Barack Obama,
Weekly Address,
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