A collection of every weekly address from President Barack Obama along with photos and commentary.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama's Back To School Message

Well folks here is the speech that caused sure a controversy with the extreme right. I am not sure why they were so rilled up? Barack Obama did a pretty good job pressing on of the most important issues, the education of our nations youth.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Presidential Address 4-18-09

Barack Obama explains how we got into this mess and how we will come out of it by investing in energy and cleaning up the waste in Washington. How to you think he is doing so far?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

President Obama Celebrates Easter

In this weeks Presidential address Barack Obama discusses what Easter and Passover means to all Americans and people are the world. What do you think about what President Obama had to say in this weeks address?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

President Obama Weekly Address 4-4-09

This weeks Presidential address comes to you from Air Force 1 as President Barack Obama returns to America after the G-20 summit. In this weeks address he hammers home the message that we are all in this recession together and working as a team we can come out of this even better than before...

Monday, March 30, 2009

President Obama Weekly Address 3/28/09

In this weeks Youtube address President Barack Obama talks directly to the people forced to flee their homes in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. Recent historic flooding has been ravishing the area of late...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Barack Obama On Jay Leno

With all the problems that are going on in our country today it is good to see that Barack Obama is keeping himself grounded. This is the full interview, enjoy Barack Obama on Leno...

Friday, March 20, 2009

President's Message To The Iranian People

President Obama extended an olive branch to the people of Iran by wishing them a happy Nowruz or "New Day." This type of U-turn policy could help turn the negative opinion of The United States in many other countries.

What do you think about what President Obama is trying to do?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weekly Address 3/14/09

President Barack Obama explains the importance of food safety in our country. God knows we need some reform after the past few scares... It is only a matter of time before something really bad happens. Let's make sure we try our hardest to prevent such occurrences...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Barack Obama Weekly Address 3/7/09

In this week's address President Obama outlines his mortgage relief program... With 4.4 million jobs already lost from this recession let us hope that we can turn this ship around...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The State Of The Union

President Obama tries to give our country a bit of hope in his first State Of The Union address to Congress and the American people. With his recent passage of the American Recovery And Re-investment Program we might still have a chance to turn this ship around. Things are so bad out there though that I think it might be a bit before the American public understand that help is on the way...

President Obama Weekly Address 2/28/09

In this week's address President Barack Obama explains his recent budget proposal. What do you think about President Obama's plan? Will it work? My favorite part has to be ending the tax breaks for oil and gas companies... Finally change has truly come to Washington!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

President Barack Obama Weekly Address 2/21/09

Although the economy is currently in the doghouse that doesn't mean that things are going to continue to get worse. In this week's Presidential Address Barack Obama discusses his major victory on the Stimulus Package as well as his foreclosure plan. The only problem I see with the plan is that people people like me that are self employed don't get the benefits of lower payroll taxes. What do you think about his plan?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weekly Address From Barack Obama 2/14/09

With the Economic Recovery Plan finally passing the House and Senate it is time for America to get to work. In this weeks address Barack Obama reiterates the new website that they are putting out to help American's keep track of how the money from the Economic Recovery Plan will be spent. You can visit Recovery.gov here!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

American Solutions Weekly Address 2/7/09

It was announced that America lost 600000 in January, that is the worst job loss in 30 years. In this weekly Weekly Address President Obama talks about just how serious this economic crisis has become. Let's hope that with the passage of the Stimulus Package we can turn this ship around...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

President Obama Sides With The Middle Class

In a sharp contrast to the last eight years, President Barack Obama announced today that a major focus for his administration will be to help our Middle Class. Along with Vice President Joe Biden they announced the formation of the Middle Class Task Force. This is no doubt a huge step in the right direction. It is great to finally see common sense in Washington again...

You can learn more about the project at this website.

President Obama Weekly Address 1-31-09

In this weeks Presidential Address Barack Obama continues to push the The American Recovery And Re-Investment Plan which has past the House and is on its way for vote in the Senate. This comes as America's GDP drop more than it has in over 20 years. This is a serious time in America and it call for swift, and decisive actions. Let's hope that President Obama plan has the right stuff...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

President Obama's Weekly Address 1-24-09

President Barack Obama continues his somber message about the state of the American economy and introduces the American Recovery and Re-investment Program. This program will include building new electricity grid, investing in solar and wind, computerized medical records, making government buildings more energy efficent, modernizing schools, repairing roadways and expanding broadband. The best part of this plan is that you as an American will be able to see how money is spent in all of these programs at Recovery.gov.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Already Making Waves

Obama just today has ordered the release of George W. Bush's Presidential records. Now we can all see for ourselves the true George W. Bush. President Barack Obama also halted Gitmo trials until further notice and vowed to close down the prison in a year. They have also apologized officially to the people of New Orleans for former President Bush's failures. He has also put a freeze on White House Aides and more importantly, putting a limit on lobbyists in the White House. Finally my personal favorite, they have pledged to make the US the #1 leader on climate change! I gotta say I couldn't have asked for a better start.

There is nothing like hitting the ground running...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009

A day that some of us have been waiting for eight long years finally came as President Barack Obama took the oath of office in front of a crowd of almost 2 million people gathered in Washington D. C. This video below shows President Obama being sworn in along with his Inauguration speech...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Barack Obama Speech At Lincoln Memorial

In front of a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people President Elect Barack Obama gave a moving speech about our country and what it means to be an American. This country is in pretty rough shape, but if we can have a President that will unify this country I have no doubt that we can turn this ship around.

Have something to say about President Elect Barack Obama's speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial? Leave your comments below...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Barack Obama's Train Speech Philadelphia

This is an exiting time here in America as President Elect Barack Obama is making his way to Washington, D. C. His train is following the same historic route as President Abraham Lincoln. President Obama tells the story of our founding fathers and the early history of this great country. Let us hope that we can return to our former glory...

Barack Obama Speech In Wilmington Delaware

This is President Elect Barack Obama's speech from just today when the Obama Express stopped in Wilmington Delaware to pick up Vice President Election Joe Biden...

Barack Obama's Final Weekly Address Before Inauguration 1/17/09

President Barack Obama talks about the history of this great nation and just how unique our peaceful election process is. We should be proud of our nation and what we have accomplished this and past elections. January 20, 2009 will truly be a day that will forever be remembered as the day that American finally changed for the better...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Barack Obama Weekly Address 1/10/09

This week President Elect Barack Obama continues to concentrate on the economic crisis and outlines how he plans on creating jobs for Americans...

What do you think about what Mr. Obama had to say? Can his plan work?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Barack Obama's Youtube Address 1/3/09

As we hit a new year most of us average American's are wondering what the next year will bring. Will it be as bad or worse then 2008... What will the stock market do? Is my job safe? We need a plan and we need it now, hopefully Barack Obama can lead us back into a prosperous economy, but I think it will take some time... Here is his latest address from January 3, 2009.